MediaWiki API result

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                "title": "Template for Logic Model"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-01-30T10:20:05Z",
                        "comment": "modify the English name of courses"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-01-31T07:03:51Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"This page is copied from, Installing chrome's translation plugin will be ver...\""
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                "title": "Concise Tutorial for Indesign"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-01-31T07:44:22Z",
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                "title": "2018\u5e74\u79cb\u8d85\u8d8a\u5b66\u79d1\u754c\u9650\u7684\u8ba4\u77e5\u57fa\u7840\u8003\u8bc4\u673a\u5236"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-04T20:21:25Z",
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                "title": "Cognitive-foundation-Output"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-04T21:35:58Z",
                        "comment": "/* Copyrights */"
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                "title": "Industry frontier Input"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-04T21:42:08Z",
                        "comment": "/* Bibliography */"
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                "title": "Cognitive-foundation-Input"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-05T18:42:38Z",
                        "comment": "/* Automation of the process */"
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                "title": "Back-up And Restoration Of Data On Mediawiki With Docker"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-05T18:53:34Z",
                        "comment": "Redirected page to [[16.89J]]"
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                "title": "Space Systems Engineering"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-09T20:45:43Z",
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                "title": "Ground Track Plot"
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"Microservices is a software design pattern that manages computer programs in a way that is modularized for testing, deployment and monitored.   ==References== * See http://mic...\""
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                        "comment": "Created page with \" SpaceNet Lecture is posted here: [[File:SpaceNet-Lecture.pdf]].  Please post any questions or comments about this lecture here\""
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                "title": "Lecture: SpaceNet - Discrete Event Simulation of Space Mission Architectures"
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"In [[XLP]], the phrase:[[Measurable Effects]] is a set of conditional statements that will be used to judge the [[Outputs]] of the project's [[Process]].\""
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                "title": "Measurable Effects"
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-13T19:08:56Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"In [[XLP]], the word:[[Process]] are a set of activities, given [[Inputs]], should produced the project's [[Outputs]].\""
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                        "timestamp": "2019-02-13T19:18:14Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"In [[Logic Model]], physical artifacts, services, or persons, names of organizations can be considered as noun phrases.\""
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                        "comment": "Bkoo moved page [[External Effects]] to [[External Factors]]"
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                "title": "Logic model"