Lunar EVA Space Suit

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Technology Roadmap Sections and Deliverables

  • 2SUIT Space Suits

We’ve chosen the acronym 2SUIT to represent our technology of a space suit. The 2 in our acronym implies the product level, with suits being a product within the level 1 system of lunar exploration. Our level 2 product level can be broken down into level 3 subsystems (portable life support, pressure garments, etc.) and level 4 components (bladder, O2 tanks, etc.). For the purpose of this roadmap we are considering the timeline from the late 1960s through 2030.

Roadmap Overview

Space suits enable survival and movement for humans outside of spacecraft in the harsh environment of space and fall into the category of “organism transportation.” They have been historically designed in response to specific environments – incorporating tools and aids for translation and tethering in micro-gravity and additional walking mobility features in partial-gravity, planetary environments.

With consideration for mobility, suits enable direct interaction with hardware during Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). During the Apollo program, suits allowed astronauts to safely explore the lunar surface to gather samples and learn firsthand about the environment of the Moon. The maintenance and upgrades on board the International Space Station similarly would not have been possible without the up-close, autonomy and physical interaction enabled by suits. With a new era of commercial spaceflight, the development of effective space suits will be fundamental for longer duration and more frequent missions – ensuring that humans can survive and function in these foreign environments.

Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Allocation


Roadmap Model using OPM


Figures of Merit

get it - spaceholder lol