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Today is his first official game as owner of the Bills (for what it's worth, the Sabres beat the Atlanta Thrashers, 4 1, in Pegula's first game as Sabres owner).Darin Harper's suit. (Nick Veronica)Good reception: David Egloff, 30, of Alden, enjoys the tailgate in the lots before most Bills games, and then enjoys the game there too. Egloff rigs an antenna on top of his van and hooks it up to a TV in his trunk."Can't beat the value," he said of enjoying the game for just the $25 parking fee.

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Cheap Jerseys china American Tyler Farrar was second and Italy's Alessandro Petacchi third.Thomas, riding for Team Sky, started the day 23 seconds behind Cancellara but finished 11th in the leading group of 14 riders to be given the same time as Cavendish.A split in the peloton meant that Cancellara was timed three seconds back and as Saturday's seventh stage is hillier than any of the first six, the Swiss rider, who has spent 21 days in his career in yellow, is expected to lose his race lead as he is not renowned as a climber."Twenty one days it's good, but I haven't won the Tour and that's the difference," said Cancellara."Tomorrow if I still have it I'll be even more proud, but I also know we'll be in the mountains, so we have to see how the race goes tactically."Thomas, who is wearing the white jersey as the best young rider in the race, is well placed to make an assault on the yellow jersey, although Australia's Cadel Evans, currently in third overall and 19 seconds behind the Welshman, is likely to go on the attack on Saturday.Thomas was timed at five hours, 37 minutes, 42 seconds, the same as Cavendish who, as on Thursday, was perfectly set for the final stretch by his HTC Columbia lead out man Mark Renshaw.Australian Renshaw sat in the wheel of riders from Garmin and Lampre in the final kilometre before bursting through in the final 400m and peeling away for Cavendish to take the glory and 35 much needed points in the green jersey classification.Cavendish moved up from ninth to fifth in the standings, although he is still 33 points behind classification rival Thor Hushovd, who finished 10th and stays in green."It was deceptively hard today, we did 2,500m of altitude" Cavendish told BBC Sport."We can't lead out like we did last year because we haven't got the numbers."We have to jump off the other teams and Mark did that and delivered me to the finish from 200m."Cavendish's victory was his 12th on the Tour de France, matching the feats of Erik Zabel, Mario Cipollini and Robbie McEwen. However, the 25 year old Manx rider was quick to share the credit for his wins with his team mates."I cross the line with my hands in the air, but it doesn't make me necessarily the only guy who's done it," Cavendish added."I've got guys riding for me on the front all day. It's incredible to do, especially with the Alps coming up where some of our guys will have their own ambitions Cheap Jerseys china.