Dolphin Is Saved In Bali After Becoming Trapped In Fishing Line

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A dolphin on the brink of death after becoming entangled in fishing line has been saved by ocean clean-up crews working in the seas off tour bali giá rẻ.  
Team members from 4Ocean spotted a floating patch of debris in the Pebuahan Ocean off the coast of Jembrana province while clearing trash last month. 
As they moved closer to collect the rubbish, the crew noticed a bottle-nosed dolphin with fishing line bound around its mouth and tail. 
A video posted online shows the workers quickly springing into action, pulling the sea mammal aboard and lying it down on the deck.
A clean-up crew from 4Ocean spotted dolphin tangled in fishing line (pictured) while clearing trash in the Pebuahan Ocean off the coast of Jembrana, Indonesia, last month
The captains then carefully cut the plastic thread away from its body before releasing the dolphin back into the water.
The 4Ocean crew can be heard cheering as the marine creature swims away. 
The footage has racked up more than 500,000 views since it was shared on Instagram last month by charity Save the Reef.
'This dolphin was very lucky to be saved by this amazing crew, but sadly over 1 million marine animals per year are not saved and instead they are killed by various forms of plastic pollution exactly like this,' they wrote alongside the video.
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'We humans must do better before it's too late because plastic NEVER disintegrates so any one piece can injure/kill multiple animals.'
Social media users praised the actions of the rescue team, with many agreeing that more needs to be done to protect wildlife. 
'Such a tragedy, we all must do better for our wildlife/environment!' one person wrote.
Another added: 'Poor dolphin, we humans must do better before it's too late, our plastic crisis is getting worse by the day.'
'We have to take care of nature,' a third said.
The captains quickly cut away the plastic before releasing the dolphin back into the sea