Karnaugh Diagram

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<tex> \documentclass[x11names,border=10pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{xstring}  % needed for string manipulations \usepackage{fmtcount}  % needed for some binary printing \usetikzlibrary{calc,math} \newif\ifKaddress \newif\ifKInd \pgfkeys{

 /K/.is family, /K,
 x bits/.estore in              = \KXvars,     % bits along the horizontal axis
 y bits/.estore in              = \KYvars,     % bits along the vertical axis
 variable names/.estore in      = \KVars,      % comma-separated variable names
 label/.estore in               = \KLabel,     % label for the diagram
 label scale/.estore in         = \KLabelscale,% scale factor for values
 value scale/.estore in         = \KValscale,  % scale factor for values
 variable scale/.estore in      = \KVarscale,  % scale factor for variables
 variable sep/.estore in        = \KVarsep,    % inner sep for variables
 address scale/.estore in       = \KAddrscale, % scale factor for adresses
 address sep/.estore in         = \KAddrsep,   % inner sep for adresses
 group distance/.estore in      = \KGdist,     % distance for grouping lines
 group color/.estore in         = \KGcolor,    % grouping color
 group linewidth/.estore in     = \KGwidth,    % grouping line width
 group rounded/.estore in       = \KGrounded,  % grouping rounded corner radius
 group opacity/.estore in       = \KGopacity,  % grouping field opacity
 indicator distance/.estore in  = \KInddist,   % variable indicator distance
 indicator linewidth/.estore in = \KIndwidth,  % line width for indicators
 indicator scale/.estore in     = \KIndscale,  % scale factor for indicators
 indicator sep/.estore in       = \KIndsep,    % inner sep for indicators
 plot addresses/.is if=Kaddress,               % plot address fields
 plot indicators/.is if=KInd,                  % plot variable indicators

} \pgfkeys{

 default/.style = { plot addresses      = true, 
                    plot indicators     = true,
                    x bits              = 2, 
                    y bits              = 2,
                    address scale       = 0.5,
                    address sep         = 1pt,
                    variable names      = {$A$,$B$,$C$,$D$,$E$,$F$,$G$}, 
                    label               = $X$,
                    label scale         = 1.4, 
                    variable scale      = 0.7,
                    variable sep        = 2pt,
                    value scale         = 1.5,
                    group color         = red,
                    group rounded       = 2pt,
                    group linewidth     = .3mm,
                    group opacity       = 0.10,
                    group distance      = 0.4,
                    indicator distance  = 0.45,
                    indicator linewidth = .4mm,
                    indicator scale     = 1.0,
                    indicator sep       = 2pt,

} \tikzset{

 Kcorners/.style = { rounded corners = \KGrounded },
    Kline/.style = { Kcorners, draw = \KGcolor, line width = \KGwidth },
     KInd/.style = { draw = black, line width = \KIndwidth },
    Kfill/.style = { Kcorners, fill = \KGcolor, opacity = \KGopacity },
    Krect/.style = { Kcorners, Kfill },
    right/.style = { black, anchor = west }, % nodes at right side
     left/.style = { black, anchor = east }, % nodes at left side

} \let\ol\overline% just to abbreviate

%============================================================================== % K[options]{table} % % takes the address,value pairs from the comma-separated list {table} and % draws up the corresponding K diagram. % the table does not need to be sorted, nor to be complete % \newcommand{\K}[2][] {%

 \pgfkeys{/K, default, #1}%
   function fromgray(\gcode,\bits) %
     int \x, \pos, \leftbit, \twop;
     \leftbit = 0;
     \pos = 0;
     for \x in {0,...,\bits-1}%
       \twop = 2^(\bits - \x -1);
       if \gcode >= \twop then %
       { % gray code is 1
         if \leftbit == 0 then %
           \pos = \pos + \twop;
           \leftbit = 1;
         } else
           \leftbit = 0;
         \gcode = \gcode - \twop;
       } else
       { % gray code is 0
         if \leftbit == 0 then %
           \pos = \pos;
         } else
           \pos = \pos + \twop;
           \leftbit = 1;
     return \pos;
   int \xbits, \ybits, \fields, \vars;
   \xbits  = \KXvars;
   \ybits  = \KYvars;
   \vars   = \xbits+\ybits;
   \fields = 2^(\vars);
 \path ($(0,0.5)+\KVarscale*(0,2ex)$) node[anchor = south,
   inner sep = \KVarsep, scale = \KVarscale] {\ttfamily\xlabels};
 \path (-0.5,0.5) node[anchor = north east,
   inner sep = \KVarsep, scale = \KVarscale] {\ttfamily\ylabels};
 \foreach [remember = \newstr as \workstr (initially \newstr)]
   \i in {1,...,\fields} {%
       int \xpos, \ypos, \xaddr, \yaddr, \addr;
       \addr = 0b\addrstr;
       \xaddr = int(\addr / 2^\ybits);
       \yaddr = \addr - \xaddr * 2^\ybits;
       \xpos = fromgray(\xaddr,\xbits);
       \ypos = fromgray(\yaddr,\ybits);
     } % end tikzmath
     % place field value
     \path ($(\xpos,-\ypos)$) node[anchor=center,
       inner sep = 0pt, scale = \KValscale](F\addrstr){\valuestr};
   int \x, \y, \xmax, \ymax, \value;
   \xmax = 2^\xbits - 1;
   \ymax = 2^\ybits - 1;
   { \draw ($(-0.5,0.5)$) -- ($(-0.5,-\ymax-0.5)$); };
   for \x in {0,...,\xmax}%
     \xpos = fromgray(\x,\xbits);
       \path ($(\xpos,0.5)$) node[anchor = south, black, inner sep = 2pt,
         scale = \KVarscale]{\ttfamily\padzeroes[\xbits]\binarynum{\x}};
       \draw ($(\xpos+0.5,0.5)$) -- ($(\xpos+0.5,-\ymax-0.5)$);
   { \draw ($(-0.5,+0.5)$) -- ($(\xmax+0.5,+0.5)$); };
   for \y in {0,...,\ymax}%
     \ypos = fromgray(\y,\ybits);
       \path ($(-0.5,-\ypos)$) node[anchor=east, black, inner sep = 2pt,
         scale = \KVarscale] {\ttfamily\padzeroes[\ybits]\binarynum{\y}};
       \draw ($(-0.5,-\ypos-0.5)$) -- ($(\xmax+0.5,-\ypos-0.5)$);
   int \x, \y, \xmax, \ymax, \value;
   \xmax = 2^\xbits - 1;
   \ymax = 2^\ybits - 1;
   for \x in {0,...,\xmax}%
     \xpos = fromgray(\x,\xbits);
     for \y in {0,...,\ymax}%
       \ypos = fromgray(\y,\ybits);
       { %
           \path ($(\xpos,-\ypos)+(0.5,-0.5)$) node[anchor = south east,
             inner sep = \KAddrsep, blue, scale = \KAddrscale]
   int \i, \il, \j, \n;
   real \x,\xmax,\y,\ymax;
   for \i in {1,...,\xbits}%
     \n = 2^(\i-2);
     \il = \i+1;  
     if \n < 1 then {\n=1;};
     \y = 0.5 + \KInddist*(\i);
     for \j in {1,...,\n}%
       \x = -0.5 + 2^(\xbits-\i) + (\j-1)*2^(\xbits-\i+2);
       \xmax = \x + 2^(\xbits-\i+1);
       if \xmax > (2^(\xbits)-0.5) then {\xmax=2^(\xbits)-0.5;};
         \path [KInd] (\x,\y) -- (\xmax,\y) node[anchor = south east,
              inner sep = \KIndsep, scale = \KIndscale] {\tlabel};
         \path [KInd] (\x,\y)++(0,-0.1)    -- ++(0,+0.2);
         \path [KInd] (\xmax,\y)++(0,-0.1) -- ++(0,+0.2);
   for \i in {1,...,\ybits}%
     \n = 2^(\i-2);
     if \n < 1 then {\n=1;};
     \x = -0.5 - \KInddist*(\i-1);
     for \j in {1,...,\n}%
       \y = -0.5 + 2^(\ybits-\i) + (\j-1)*2^(\ybits-\i+2);
       \ymax = \y + 2^(\ybits-\i+1);
       if \ymax > (2^(\ybits)-0.5) then {\ymax=2^(\ybits)-0.5;};
         \path [KInd] ($(\x,-\y)-\ybits*(1.4ex,0)$)
           -- ($(\x,-\ymax)-\ybits*(1.4ex,0)$) node[anchor=south west, 
               rotate=90, inner sep=\KIndsep, scale=\KIndscale]{\tlabel};
         \path [KInd] ($(\x,-\y)-\ybits*(1.4ex,0)$)++(-0.1,0) -- ++(+0.2,0);
         \path [KInd] ($(\x,-\ymax)-\ybits*(1.4ex,0)$)++(-0.1,0) -- ++(+0.2,0);
 \path[draw = black] (-0.5,0.5) -- ++(-0.5,0.5) node[anchor = south east,
   inner sep = 2pt, scale = \KLabelscale] {\KLabel};


%============================================================================== % KG[options]{from}{to} % % groups together the fields between {from} and {to} by drawing a frame around % these fields. % if the {from} field is above or right of the {to} field, the frame is % extended around the edge of the diagram. % \newcommand{\KG}[3][] % options from to {%

 \pgfkeys{/K, default, #1}%
   int \xbits, \ybits, \fields, \vars;
   \xbits = \KXvars;
   \ybits = \KYvars;
   \vars  = \xbits+\ybits;
   \fields = 2^(\vars);
   int \xfrompos, \yfrompos, \xfrom, \yfrom, \fromaddr;
   int \xtopos, \ytopos, \xto, \yto, \toaddr;
   \fromaddr = 0b#2;
   \toaddr   = 0b#3;
   \xfrom    = int(\fromaddr / 2^\ybits);
   \yfrom    = \fromaddr - \xfrom * 2^\ybits;
   \xto      = int(\toaddr / 2^\ybits);
   \yto      = \toaddr - \xto * 2^\ybits;
   \xfrompos = fromgray(\xfrom,\xbits);
   \yfrompos = fromgray(\yfrom,\ybits);
   \xtopos   = fromgray(\xto,\xbits);
   \ytopos   = fromgray(\yto,\ybits);
   \xmax     = 2^\xbits-1;
   \ymax     = 2^\ybits-1;
 } % end tikzmath
   if (\xfrompos <= \xtopos) && (\yfrompos >= \ytopos) then %
       \path[Kfill] ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)-(\KGdist,\KGdist)$)
         rectangle ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(\KGdist,\KGdist)$);
       \path[Kline] ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)-(\KGdist,\KGdist)$)
         rectangle ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(\KGdist,\KGdist)$);
   if (\xfrompos <= \xtopos) && (\yfrompos < \ytopos) then %
       \path[Krect] ($(\xfrompos,0)+(-\KGdist,+0.5)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)+(-\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\yfrompos)+(\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,0)+(\KGdist,+0.5)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Krect] ($(\xfrompos,-\ymax)+(-\KGdist,-0.5)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ytopos)+(-\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ymax)+(\KGdist,-0.5)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Kline] ($(\xfrompos,0)+(-\KGdist,+0.5)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)+(-\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\yfrompos)+(\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,0)+(\KGdist,+0.5)$);
       \path[Kline] ($(\xfrompos,-\ymax)+(-\KGdist,-0.5)$)
       -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ytopos)+(-\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
       -- ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
       -- ($(\xtopos,-\ymax)+(\KGdist,-0.5)$);
   if (\xfrompos > \xtopos) && (\yfrompos >= \ytopos) then %
       \path[Krect] ($(0,-\yfrompos)+(-0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\yfrompos)+(+\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(0,-\ytopos)+(-0.5,+\KGdist)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Krect] ($(\xmax,-\yfrompos)+(+0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)+(-\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ytopos)+(-\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xmax,-\ytopos)+(+0.5,+\KGdist)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Kline] ($(0,-\yfrompos)+(-0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\yfrompos)+(+\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(0,-\ytopos)+(-0.5,+\KGdist)$);
       \path[Kline] ($(\xmax,-\yfrompos)+(+0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)+(-\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ytopos)+(-\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xmax,-\ytopos)+(+0.5,+\KGdist)$);
   if (\xfrompos > \xtopos) && (\yfrompos < \ytopos) then %
       \path[Kfill] {[Kcorners] ($(0,-\yfrompos)+(-0.5,-\KGdist)$) 
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\yfrompos)+(+\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,0)+(\KGdist,+0.5)$)}
         -- ($(0,0)+(-0.5,+0.5)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Kfill] {[Kcorners] ($(0,-\ytopos)+(-0.5,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(+\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ymax)+(\KGdist,-0.5)$)}
         -- ($(0,-\ymax)+(-0.5,-0.5)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Kfill] {[Kcorners] ($(\xmax,-\yfrompos)+(+0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)+(-\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,0)+(-\KGdist,+0.5)$)}
         -- ($(\xmax,0)+(+0.5,+0.5)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Kfill] {[Kcorners] ($(\xmax,-\ytopos)+(+0.5,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ytopos)+(-\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ymax)+(-\KGdist,-0.5)$)}
         -- ($(\xmax,-\ymax)+(+0.5,-0.5)$) -- cycle;
       \path[Kline] ($(0,-\yfrompos)+(-0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\yfrompos)+(+\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,0)+(\KGdist,+0.5)$);
       \path[Kline] ($(0,-\ytopos)+(-0.5,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ytopos)+(+\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xtopos,-\ymax)+(\KGdist,-0.5)$);
       \path[Kline] ($(\xmax,-\yfrompos)+(+0.5,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\yfrompos)+(-\KGdist,-\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,0)+(-\KGdist,+0.5)$);
       \path[Kline] ($(\xmax,-\ytopos)+(+0.5,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ytopos)+(-\KGdist,+\KGdist)$)
         -- ($(\xfrompos,-\ymax)+(-\KGdist,-0.5)$);


\newcommand*\ul[2]{\tikz[baseline = (char.base)]{

 \node[inner sep = 2pt] (char) {#2};
 \draw[#1, line width = 2pt](char.south west) -- (char.south east);}}


   \K[x bits = 3, y bits = 3,
      variable names = {$A_2$,$A_1$,$A_0$,$B_1$,$B_0$,$D$,}]
   { % some random truth table...
     000000,1,    010000,1,     100000,1,    110000,0,
     000001,0,    010001,0,     100001,0,    110001,0,
     000010,1,    010010,1,     100010,1,    110010,0,
     000011,1,    010011,0,     100011,1,    110011,0,
     000100,1,    010100,1,     100100,1,    110100,0,
     000101,0,    010101,0,     100101,0,    110101,0,
     000110,1,    010110,0,     100110,0,    110110,0,
     000111,1,    010111,?,     100111,0,    110111,0,
     001000,0,    011000,1,     101000,0,    111000,0,
     001001,X,    011001,0,     101001,0,    111001,0,
     001010,X,    011010,0,     101010,1,    111010,0,
     001011,0,    011011,0,     101011,1,    111011,0,
     001100,0,    011100,1,     101100,1,    111100,0,
     001101,0,    011101,0,     101101,1,    111101,0,
     001110,1,    011110,1,     101110,1,    111110,1,
     001111,1,    011111,1,     101111,1,    111111,1,
   \newcommand*{\myKG}[4][0.1]{\KG[x bits = 3,y bits = 3,group opacity = #1,
   \myKG     {group color = green,  group distance=0.45}{100000}{000100}
   \myKG     {group color = red,    group distance=0.45}{000111}{001110}
   \myKG     {group color = blue,   group distance=0.40}{000110}{001010}
   \myKG     {group color = olive,  group distance=0.35}{001111}{011110}
   \myKG     {group color = olive,  group distance=0.35}{111111}{101110}
   \myKG     {group color = brown,  group distance=0.35}{100010}{000011}
   \myKG     {group color = black,  group distance=0.45}{011000}{010100}
   \myKG     {group color = cyan,   group distance=0.45}{010010}{010010}
   \myKG     {group color = teal,   group distance=0.45}{101100}{101110}
   \myKG[0.0]{group color = yellow, group distance=0.40}{101111}{101011}
   \myKG[0.0]{group color = yellow, group distance=0.45}{101010}{100011}
   % in picture comments
     \draw (6.7,-1.55)  -- ++(2,1)  node[right] {grouping, opacity = 0};
     \draw (6.5,-6.0)   -- ++(2,1)  node[right] {grouping, opacity = 0.1};
     \draw (7.5,+0.95)  -- ++(2,1)  node[right] {variable \emph{indicator}};
     \draw (7.3,-4.35)  -- ++(2,1)  node[right] {field \emph{address}};
     \draw (7.25,+0.6)  -- ++(2,1)  node[right] {variable values};
     \draw (-1.5,+1.3)  -- ++(-2,1) node[left]  {diagram \emph{label}};
     \draw (-1.4,+0.35) -- ++(-2,1) node[left]  {variable names};
     \draw (-0.15,-1.0) -- ++(-2,1) node[left]  {field \emph{value}};
     \draw (5.05,1.2)   -- ++(2,1)  node[right] {indicator \emph{distance}};
   \draw [latex-latex,blue] (5,0.95) -- ++(0,0.45);
   \path (3,-8) node[anchor = north, align = left] (eq1){%
   $X = 
   \path(eq1.south) node[anchor = north] (t1) {or};
   \path (t1.south) node[anchor = north, align = left] (eq2){%
   $X =

\end{document} </tex>