Woman Who Refused To Self-isolate TWICE Is Busted In Byron Bay Resort

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A woman who refused to self-isolate twice has been busted by police swimming in a Byron Bay resort pool after she was ordered to get tested for Covid-19.
The Cronulla woman was hit with two $1000 fines for breaching self-isolation orders on Friday and Sunday.
Police said the 27-year-old was notified she had was a close contact of a positive [/news/coronavirus/index.html coronavirus] case but failed to isolate or get tested.
'The woman was provided advice about testing facilities and self-isolation before being given PPE to assist with safe travel to the facility,' [/news/new-south-wales/index.html NSW] Police said in a statement.
On Sunday police were called again after reports she was 'swimming in the resort pool' in Byron Bay instead of self-isolating (stock image)
'Officers returned to the resort about 8pm the following day and found the woman was not self-isolating.'
On Sunday police were called again after reports she was 'swimming in the resort pool' instead of self-isolating.
Sydney residents are still allowed to travel to Byron Bay despite the recent outbreaks on the Northern Beaches and western suburbs.
The woman's brazen breach comes after a venue operator in Sydney's west was fined $5,000 for hosting a 700-person wedding reception.
The breach at the wedding reception in Fairfield, in the city's southwest, hoa tam giác mạch has left politicians and police outraged, as it is only 10 kilometres from the Berala COVID-19 hotspot.
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Police attended the venue on Saturday and estimated at least 600 people were at the reception, despite a COVID-safe capacity of 350.
Guests are yet to be penalised but the venue operator, a 46-year-old man, has been fined $5000 for breaching public health orders.
Once police intervened, many guests were told to depart.
Acting Premier John Barilaro is furious about the breach.
'When you have a deliberate act like the venue operators ...

in this case we've got an example of somebody who's done bloody wrong,' Mr Barilaro told reporters on Monday. 
NSW recorded no new locally acquired coronavirus cases over a designated 24-hour period for kynghidongduong.vn the first time in almost three weeks.
Sydney residents are still allowed to travel to Byron Bay despite the recent outbreaks on the Northern Beaches and western suburbs
However, two new cases linked to a western Sydney bottle shop have since been registered, adding to concerns about the Berala cluster.
In the 24 hours to 8pm on Sunday, the state recorded only seven new cases in returned overseas travellers in hotel quarantine.

It is the first time daily local cases have been at zero since December 15.
Despite the better news, Acting Premier John Barilaro says testing numbers are still 'far too low'.
He has implored in western Sydney resident to attend clinics if they have the slightest of symptoms, even if they have been tested previously.
Some 22,275 people were tested in the 24-hour period ending Sunday night, up slightly from 18,923 the previous day.